Sympathy Plants

Our expert florists can help you order the right funeral flowers and plants and will deliver them in Denver, CO or anywhere nationwide. Express your heartfelt condolences with a tasteful and heartfelt sympathy plants from Ed Moore Florist.

Sympathy Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum by Ed Moore Florist

Sympathy Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum

This spathiphyllum (Easter lily) comes in an 8" woven wicker basket. It's a great medium for delivering vitality.


Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket by Ed Moore Florist

Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket

Pure elegance. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube.


Sympathy Plant Dish Garden by Ed Moore Florist

Sympathy Plant Dish Garden

This low bowl filled with beautiful living plants will last for many months to come. Send to the home, office or service.
